Projects thermoprocessing plants

Our customer Vesuvius runs a number of trial furnaces in which ignition trials on feeders are carried out. The aim of the trials is to decide at which temperature the different feeders, which are all made of different raw materials, will ignite.

The aim of the trials is to decide at which temperature the different feeders, which are all made of different raw materials, will ignite.

The moment of ignition depends primarily on the raw materials employed. On ignition itself explosive gases can be very suddenly produced. As the ignited feeder itself represent a source of ignition, deflagration in the furnace can arise under unfavourable conditions. After ignition the feeder burns away and the temperature in the furnaces rises to 750°C.

Münstermann together with Vesuvius has designed and developed a new laboratory furnace, which is designed for peak temperatures of up to 750°C and is also deflagration-proof. The furnace is for that reason pressure-proof and fitted with a pressure relief system.
