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Our projects  innovative. experienced. reliable.

Foundry Projects

Competence in foundry plants! Cooling and drying, material handling technology, Air pollution control systems: decades of experience.

Skimmer with high-tech ceramic coating

Münstermann has developed a new design for wear resistant skimmers. The skimmers are suitable for example as pre-separators and spark protection in the hot gas area of de-dusting units in foundry and incineration plants.

A German carmaker relies on energy-efficient solutions from Münstermann in its coremoulding shop in one of its foundries. The aim of the project was to replace several smaller dedusting systems with a large central dedusting solutions. One of the reasons was the high cost of spare parts and the inadequate availability of cartridge filters. 

Replacement of a filter system after fire damage

After a fire damage, Darcast from Birmingham gave us the order to replace the destroyed filter system. The plant is the central dedusting of the foundry with a volume flow of 100.000 m³/h. 

Together with our customers from the foundry industry Münstermann has developed a new cooler concept, in which the required air supply is considerably reduced.