Projects Glass and Stone Wool

„We have started production without any problems, and the surface of the stone wool slabs looks perfect.“

Victor Andreyev, head engineer of the company Euroizol, and Georg Oster, Münstermann‘s engineer specialised on curing ovens, are satisfied.

The two experts are examining stone wool slabs on a running conveyor. A team of fitters of both companies, Euroizol and Münstermann, just integrated a new upper belt into an existing curing oven.

First common project between the companies

The Russian city of Ulyanovsk, located on the banks of the Volga river, was the place where the binational team carried out the job. Since 1957, Euroizol, an independent Russian company, has been producing stone wool here. During the months preceding the stay with the neighbours in the East, the employees of Münstermann manufactured the conveyor belt in the factory in Telgte.

This was the first time Euroizol and Münstermann have worked together. The upper belt consists mainly of a conveying chain and sprocket wheels, a sealing system and steel flights. The steel flights transport the product.

Project details: new kind of flights, new sealing system

This project has represented a unique opportunity to design and realise several interesting technical developments.

  • New flights with a welded slotted screen have been installed. The aim is to lower the degree of pollution caused by sticking fibres and to make cleaning of the surface easier.
  • A new lateral sealing system has been put into place in order to reduce leakages and simultaneously increase efficiency of the oven – ideally around up to 5%.

Euroizol and Münstermann will analyse the effects of the reconstruction together. The two companies plan to make use of the experience of this project and plan to cooperate on stone wool projects in Ulyanovsk in the future.

Please refer to this link in order to learn more about the company Euroizol: